How a Marketing Intelligence and SEO Platform Can Solve Content Problems

Wherever you are on the content marketing continuum, chances are you still have your share of challenges. In fact, according to Content Marketing Institute’s 2016 report, more than half of us are still struggling to produce engaging content, produce it consistently, and determine its effectiveness.
In this post, we present 7 content challenges many marketers and SEOs face and provide solutions to improve findability, engagement, and conversions based on using the data available from a marketing intelligence and SEO platform.

You’ve missed the topic target

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If you write it, they will come – doesn’t really work for content marketing. Just producing content to fill your site with a daily blog, or some other arbitrary reason for creating content, usually results in content that doesn’t get read, or at the very least, doesn’t get read by the right audience.
The problem? Writing content to fill a content quota or other content goal may mean your content is less focused on your audience and more focused on publishing. In short, you’ve missed the topic target.
Screen Shot 2016-07-26 at 2.18.34 PMThe goal of content marketing is to establish authority, gain trust, and become a resource for customers and potential customers. The only way to grow your audience successfully is to answer the questions they’re asking. Knowing what questions are relevant and how to respond is probably one of the biggest challenges facing content marketers today.

Content topics from search insights.

When more than half of our website traffic is the result of organic search, it seems logical to get our content ideas from organic search data. In fact, there are many good reasons to use keyword and competitor data gathered from organic search results, including:

Your content will reflect the language your audience is using when they ask questions or search on the web for solutions in your industry.
You can monitor which keywords and topics are improving or declining in rank to determine where to create new content and where to refresh old content, saving you time and resources creating content that may not be relevant any more.
Keeping content up to date with current keywords allows you to optimize the content you already have without spending the time and money creating new content and improving ranking positions.
Watching competitor keyword ranking progress will give you new content ideas to win back your audiences.

Your audience isn’t sharing your content

Creating content isn’t enough to build audiences and increase conversions. Now that search engines take into account social signals when deciding the relevancy of your content, you should too. Ultimately, the of your content will determine its ultimate success or failure as a vehicle to drive traffic to your website.
topics and keywords for social media According to a recent New York Times study, people share information most to bring valuable and entertaining content to others and to define ourselves to others. Content marketers can tap into the sharing mindset by monitoring social channels to determine what our audiences consider valuable and entertaining content.

 Social media channels and engagement data.

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Before you create more content, measure the sharea bility of the content you already have. Looking at what’s already being shared and where it’s being shared will give you a compass for creating new content and deciding how and where to share it.
Using social media intelligence you can:

Understand which channels work for you and which channels are working for your competitors.
See exactly what content is driving traffic, conversions, and revenue from each social channel.
Compare your share of voice to your competitors.
Knowing what content is driving traffic from social media for you and your competitors will help you determine the sharing mindset of your audiences. You’ll know what content they consider valuable and make content creation and content optimization decisions based on audience preferences. Build your editorial calendar around topics that will enable your audiences to define themselves as people who follow and share thought leaders and trusted industry resources.

 You don’t really know your audience

We can learn a lot about our target audiences by looking at our current customers and understanding their pain points and preferences. However, just looking at current customer profiles will not give you all the information you need to interest and engage your current prospects or to attract new audience members.
If you have audience persona profiles based solely on your current customers, you may not be resonating with those members of your audience who aren’t as far along in the realization of their needs or understanding of your industry. You may be missing opportunities to connect with the people who influence the buying decision and are researching products and solutions far ahead of the decision

What is an enterprise SEO platform? Simply stated, it’s a way to make sure all the pieces of your inbound and outbound efforts are working together for a common goal. Using the latest technology in the science of findability, a good SEO platform will provide you with adapting to crisis comms in the digital age everything you need to optimize your website and improve content rankings. It will also make sure you’re providing a good user experience and attracting the right audiences, not just search engine bots.
Why do you need an enterprise SEO platform? Because you want your digital marketing and SEO efforts to contribute to the bottom line. Don’t you? If you’re still not sure why you would need an enterprise SEO platform, here are seven more good reasons.

Algorithm changes can impact your site in one day

If you’re not using an SEO platform that gives you daily insights into your individual marketing channels and overall website traffic, rankings, and findability; you may not know why your website or content performance has dropped. Without the right data, you may come to the wrong conclusion and end up wasting your time on fixes or making the wrong strategic decisions.
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At the very least, you need to know when minor, or major, search engine algorithm changes have occurred and watch the effect on your search engine ranking positions versus your competitors at the keyword, content, and page level.
Annotations within the SEO platform will alert you to the exact day and date where algorithm changes took place so you can compare ranking performance before and after that date. Sometimes it takes a few days for algorithm changes to fully take effect. During these periods, you’ll want to be checking your dashboard more often and comparing performance against previous benchmarks.
You can also add annotations of your own to track the changes you make to your website and content including:

Major SEO fixes to content, page structure, or crawlability

New campaign launch dates
New product introductions
Website updates
Any significant event that might affect rank
If SEO fixes are required, you’ll want a list of exactly which pages need attention. You’ll also want an SEO platform that sorts those recommendations by importance, difficulty, and risk as well as grouping them by keyword and content, page structure, and crawlability issues.
Getting all your data and your recommendations from usa b2b list a single software platform gives you the flexibility to see what you want to see in the way you want to see it without cobbling together tools from various platforms and hoping the data matches up enough to give you the insights you need.

Your content needs to be findable and relevant

Does the content you create answer searcher’s questions? If you’re not sure, an SEO platform can help you determine how well your content matches the keywords your audiences are using while helping you discover the keywords that you’re not, but should be, creating content around.
The right platform will make it easy for you to create keyword and content groups to view your search results and get insights into performance by:

Product or Service
Type of content
Topics and keywords
Looking at your content as a whole allows you to understand what your audience is responding to and what needs to change. Instead of making changes based on single keyword or content performance, understand how different messages or mediums are resonating and make adjustments to meet your audiences with the content they’re already looking for in the format they prefer.
If your competitors are stealing your audience, you’ll what to know who is outranking you, and specifically, what content is winning in the SERPs (Search Engine Ranking Pages). Comparing your competitor’s findability to your own, and knowing what content they’re using to beat you in the rankings, gives you the ability to compete with them more effectively.
seo and content marketing findability scoreIn addition to the brands that are competing with you for sales, you need to know exactly who is competing with you for page rank and what content they’re creating that’s winning your audience. An enterprise SEO platform should provide a tool to discover the competitors you aren’t already tracking, but are taking your audience from you and give you insight into anyone who is creating content that competes with you for audience share.

The least expensive (and most effective) way to get found

Search is still the least expensive and most effective way to get found. While paid media efforts can be effective at increasing website traffic in the short term, long term engagement requires a good user experience on your website after they’ve clicked on your ad. Landing pages that provide quality, relevant content hosted on an easy to use, visually appealing website keep audiences from bouncing and move them along the path to conversion.

Although content marketing efforts can take a while to take hold.

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