Is an Enterprise SEO and Marketing Platform Right for You

. AThe evolution of SEO and marketing functions, the changing needs of industry professionals, evolving platform technologies, and the proliferation of tools have created an atmosphere of confusion over search marketing and SEO best practices and solutions. Brands and people are asking, “Should we be using an enterprise SEO and marketing platform? And if we should, what makes up an enterprise solution and how will we use it?”
In a three-part Found Friday series, Erin Robbins, President of Ginza Metrics, addressed three key elements of the enterprise SEO and content marketing conundrum:

What makes an SEO and marketing platform

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The benefits and pitfall of “all-in-one” solutions.
Who needs an enterprise SEO and marketing platform?
What makes an SEO platform “enterprise-grade”?
There are lots of solutions available for both SEO and marketing functions. Some of the solutions focus on the SEO aspect, others on the content generation function. These days most tool providers are trying to close the gap between SEO and marketing and offer something that creates a better workflow while trying to help both functions meet and beat their greatest challenges.
“As marketing departments and professionals continue to sort out their needs based on channels, available technologies, and dynamics; platform providers have been focused not only on innovating to meet those needs, but innovating to stay on top of changes to search engines, the growing popularity of mobile devices,

and the need for location specific data

While there are lots of individual solutions available, larger brands, agencies, and companies who want accurate data along with insights and recommendations to improve their efforts are turning to enterprise SEO and marketing solutions. When seeking solutions, professionals and brands are often left with a choice: either choose a low-end tool that is less expensive and add in each extra features you need as you need them or invest in the enterprise solution up front. In the end, the enterprise solution can often be more cost-effective. Knowing your needs now and projecting your growth over time will help you decide the solution that’s best for you.

So, what makes a platform enterprise? We found that people are defining enterprise-grade SEO platforms in many ways. One way to identify enterprise solutions and separate them from single tool solutions is to look at the amount of data and insights the platform can provide and the overall scalability of the solution.
Based on volume and scalability, here are some elements that define an enterprise-grade solution:

Volume or number of

Including insights and deeper data
Search engine tracking
Locations per site
Pages, sites, and users per account
Competitors tracked
Data availability
Daily versus weekly crawl data
International tracking on universal search engines
Keyword discovery
For you
For your competitors
Device level tracking and granular data
Recommendations for improvements
Universal search – true rank
Integrations and organizational structure
Granular analytics and insights
Configurable data
White labeling
Account management and support levels
Workflow and task management features
Automated, scheduled, and customizable reporting
Education and support materials
Integrations with analytics, CRM, CMS, other marketing tools
In this model, we define an enterprise solution by the volume of data and the depth of insights that data provides. As the chasm between SEO and content marketing is ever narrowing and the two functions rely more heavily on each other for success, enterprise platforms are beginning to be defined by not only the depth of data, but by the breadth of the types of data collected. Platforms are developing features to give brands and professionals the ability to create the most relevant content, improve overall findability, increase industry influence, and improve customer and prospect experiences in a way that doesn’t game the system.
Custom dashboards overview

The move toward an all-in-one solution  enterprise SEO

The synergy of SEO and content marketing has led to an evolution in SEO tools that now includes data and insights for the marketing team. The challenge for platform providers is to decide which combination of types of data should be included in all-in-one solutions, who will be using the platform, and how to create an effective workflow from one function to the others.
In Erin’s opinion, “Building a platform that does everything can interfere with your ability to continue to serve the needs of existing users and audiences. For example, if a traditional SEO platform provider added in a lot of social media engagement capabilities and content editing options, the SEO folks might feel like they’re not able to get the things they need out of the platform anymore.”
Some of the most common requests we get for
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I was recently talking to

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a digital marketer about the challenges and trends in search and SEO when he stated, “I don’t do SEO” Really? Why not? What is it about SEO that has earned it a reputation below the status of senior staff?

I had to concede that unless you’re working on creating content or optimizing the website, you may not be involved in the daily care and feeding of the SEO monster, but you should at least be aware of the challenges and trends associated with SEO, search, and content marketing if you want your brand to thrive beyond paying for advertising and media for every piece of content until the end of time. Since organic search is still one of the top ways to reach your audience, organic search and SEO should be a high priority in every organization.

Why Should I Bother with SEO?

In its early years, search engine optimization developed a reputation for being a sneaky practice and rightfully so, in some cases. However, search engines have worked to ensure that the days of keyword stuffing, cloaking, and spamdexing are mostly dead and as a result, SEO is no longer a single tactic implemented at the end of the marketing content process. No matter where you fall in your brand’s marketing organizational chart, you should consider SEO as part of your function.
Getting found by your audiences, converting viewers to customers, and turning customers into evangelists require that search engine optimization and search marketing are considerations at every stage of the marketing process. If you’re only thinking of search engine optimization as a way to improve individual content, you may be missing out about the challenges and prospects on opportunities to implement better strategy throughout every phase of your marketing. SEO and search data can have a major impact on marketing success and provide your team with performance insights and analytics to better inform your efforts.
You can use search data to inform:

Situation analysis

Content creation
Content optimization
Campaign analysis
Search data is the building block to any marketing effort. In the situation analysis phase, search data can help you determine what existing content is working well for you and what content needs to be refreshed or retired. Using the keywords you’re already tracking and discovering new keywords your audiences are using during search queries about your product or service can help you decide where there are holes in your content library. Using search data, you can get insights into your competitors and discover all the content that’s competing for audience attention.
Once you know what’s working for you and for your competitors, you’re ready to employ search data in your strategic planning process. At this stage, ever. Marketing and search function should be collaborating to make sure the messages for social, organic, and paid efforts align with the keywords and topics your audiences are already looking for. The information collected by your SEO department plays a key role in deciding on campaign messages and brand position.
Of course, content creation and content,. Optimization are natural areas to integrate good SEO practices and things like keyword discovery and other search data. Use insights to decide what content to create, which medium to. Use to create it, and which channels to distribute each type of content.

resonating with audiences

and make tweaks to content to improve findability. If you find your . Audiences are responding more positively to video content, you may want to add more. Short videos to your editorial calendar. If you’ve written a blog post that isn’t performing as well as you thought it. Should, check to make sure it’s optimized for SEO and review it for trending topics. And keywords as identified through your search data.
In the final analysis, your search. Data will show you what elements of your. Marketing efforts were most effective and which. Things need to be changed as you usa b2b list move into your next campaign.
SEO and content marketing are two closely related functions and one cannot survive without the other. But the relevancy of search data has farther-reaching influences than just the content you create for your site. Search data should inform all messaging for all marketing and public relations efforts, both organic and paid.
Use SEO and search data to inform all marketing efforts, including:


Social media
Content marketing
Lead generation
Demand generation
Understanding what keywords are the best. Converters for you can help you spend less on your paid efforts while getting higher click through rates. And better sales leads. Using the most relevant, specific terms and phrases that your. Audiences are already using will make all your efforts more successful.
So, why should you bother with SEO? Because the search data you can gather and the resulting analytics and insights you get could be the difference betwe.

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