8 News in the Customer Center

What’s new in our Customer Center?Not even the record-breaking heat kept us away from the computers, and thanks to that we can write what’s new you’ll find under the coat of our customer center.

We will start with the biggest news and that is…

Editing invoices

We admit that this is mainly for us, because we received requests for changes-emails about changing the billing data on the invoice really often, but thanks to it you will also save a lot of time.

Now you can change the billing data in the customer specific database by industry center and you can have them written directly into outstanding invoices and then download them.

VPS Center

Try our server and domain management application for free. You will feel like an experienced administrator.


QR + PDF at Invoices

We have added another payment option to invoices and that is QR payment. Just use the app to load our code and the payment order will be ready.


You can also download the invoice in .PDF directly to your computer. Just open the invoice and click on the PDF.


Previously, it was not possible to change the TTL (Time To Live) of a DNS record, and a few customers contacted us about this. So we added the ability to change the TTL for all records at once.


Redirection information

If the domain has a redirect to another URL, you will see an icon on the list of domains that will inform you of this status.

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In the section where redirection is set, you will also see the URL to which the domain is redirected.


Better navigation in domain management

specific database by industry

We have good news for those who are used to fine-grained navigation. You will no longer get lost in the customer center and simply sail through it like a knife through butter.


Minor improvements in the DNS section
This time, you can tell at a glance if the domain is not using our nameservers. A red box will appear to inform you of this. If the domain has other nameservers usa cfo than ours, any changes made to the customer center will not be reflected in the DNS settings of the domain.

Another improvement concerns the addition of a dakle, kako ćete biti sigurni da birate DNS record. Now when you insert a record, you will see a small hint about how the record is added or in what format. We were inspired by the most common mistakes of our customers.

Other goodies

More convenient directory selection (e.g. for FTP)

A more understandable section with  domain transfers

We have updated our Logo everywhere to  match.

Hopefully the news pleased you and our services will be used even better. Don’t forget to send us your ideas on the ideas board .

PS: The VPS Center has also received an improvement , but more on that next time.

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