How to quickly promote a new website and immediately get sales and orders?

I am the director and founder of the web studio BUSINESS SITE. Currently, my company’s websiteThen I design and programm the first version of our company’s website with my own hands.

But that wasn’t enough, because its traffic was 0.

Accordingly, the adsense or ezoic ads placement to increase revenue  growth of new clients was also 0!act the target audience, potential customers who would be interest in our services, to our website.
I consider different options: from SEO and social networks to SPAM mailings.
But none of these tools met the criteria: fast, simple, effective.
Each had its drawbacks: from large time frames to the risk of losing reputation.
I settl on Google AdWords search contextual advertising.

The principle of the service is simple – the advertiser defines the keywords for which he wants his site to be shown in Google search on the first lines.
In my case it was “Website creation”, “ Landing page development ”, “Order a website”, etc.

Thus, advertising is shown only to those people who have actually identifi their ne and are interest in the product or service.

Literally on the day of the launch of the advertising campaign, I receiv several calls from clients, and 2 days later the first contract was sign and an advance payment was receiv!  adsense or ezoic ads placement to increase revenue 
Of cou se, if everything were that simple, it wouldn’t be interesting.

Already in the first month, I realiz that my advertising account requires constant attention, but the situation, unfortunately, less work, more results: all about slow productivity  changes almost every minute. Either competitors create more effective ads, or they raise rates, which is why our site loses positions in the advertising results.
Also, competitors often do not hesitate to “click” ads – deliberately click on ads to spend our budget.
There were cases when ads were simply block due to some technical failures in the system and we had to negotiate with technical support for hours.

During that period, I arriv  ba leads  the office at around 9:00 and left at 22:00.
Contextual advertising was the only source of attracting clients at that time. Accordingly, it was necessary to allocate a sufficient amount of time to work with it.
At the same time, it was necessary to implement projects for clients qualitatively.
But all these efforts were justifi.
Very soon, bas on practical experience, I develop successful work algorithms, and also allocat a wage fund for an employee who began to work in this area.

Today, certifi specialists in contextual advertising of the BUSINESS SITE web studio have more than 6 years of experience in this area, as well as experience in conducting more than 1000 advertising campaigns for clients of completely different topics. From industry to the beauty industry, from law to fashion.


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