Online Store Design: How to Make a Beautiful and Selling Store

The advantages of online trading, however, have been appreciat not only by consumers, but also by business owners. And along with the average bill, the number of newly open online stores is constantly increasing. If each of them were successful, many large cities would already have their own Wall Street. But in reality, only 10% of the lucky ones who make a profit and regularly make sales manage to stay afloat.

The first thing you can do is skip the stage of making

Your own mistakes and  event tracking setup in google analytics learn from others’ experience. Among the mistakes that online store owners make, the following are the most common:

Lack of strategy. For an online store to function successfully, it is not enough to simply take and transfer the business from offline. The world of e-commerce has its own laws that must be taken into account in order to compete worthily in any niche.
Weak USP or its absence. In a highly competitive environment, it is important to immiately explain to the client why he should buy from you.
Unattractive design. The first three seconds are enough for a visitor to intuitively decide whether to stay on your site or return to the search.
Unthoughtful usability. Trust in the store is form, among other things, by clear navigation, the usual arrangement of buttons. If the user encounters difficulties when searching for a product or making a purchase, nothing will stop him from buying the same product from competitors.
Photos of product items are of poor quality , low resolution, and do not have views from different angles (which is extremely important for categories such as clothing, footwear, and accessories).
Not having enough information to make a purchase. Before buying anything online, it is important for a person to minimize risks and make sure that they are getting exactly what they expect.
Non-responsive design. This immiately cuts off smartphone and tablet users

Who could purchase your product.

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As you may have notic, most of these mistakes are relat to design in one way or another. Let’s take a step-by-step look at how to perjalanan ke myanmar yang dikuasai pemberontak  create a selling design for an online store that will help ensure high conversion rates.

Preparatory work
A good beginning is half the battle, as the English proverb goes. The foundation of a successful online store is laid in the following preparatory stages.

Research. It is at this stage that ideas that will not bring profit are eliminat. The marketer conducts niche research, analyzes competing  ba leads stores, studies demand for the main product (using the Google Adwords planner, Yandex Wordstat, Google Trends). Bas on the data obtain, a store promotion strategy, positioning, unique selling proposition are develop, and the target audience is studi.
Creating a marketing concept. According to this concept, methods of attracting, retaining and converting target visitors into online store buyers are determin. Taking into account the behavioral characteristics of the target audience, the order of placement of all key elements on the site is determin.



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