OpenCart – an overview of the platform for creating an online store

Its capabilities are sufficient for developing almost any e-commerce sites: from small e-commerce platforms to showcases with thousands of items and hundrs of product categories. CMS and popular add-ons are regularly updat. As of 2024, 1% of all sites in the world written on the basis of popular CMS are running on OpenCart.

What makes OpenCart popular? What features does the CMS have? How does it differ from competitors and what stores is it best suit for? You will learn all this by reading the article. And before we move on to reviewing the functional features and.

Advantages of the platform, a short excursion into history:

OpenCart (the meaning of the wordpress speed optimization  name is “Open Shopping Cart”) is one of the oldest platforms for online stores. The first presentation of the engine to the general public took place in 1999, when the online shopping market was just forming. Due to the underdevelop market, the project develop slowly, and in 2000, work on it was suspend. OpenCart experienc a second birth in 2009, when the code popular in the late 90s came across the British developer Daniel Kerr and he began to improve it. He rewrote the CMS, which was originally creat in Perl, in PHP. And this is where the new history of OpenCart began.

High performance with a relatively low server load ruces costs for hosting and optimization of program code.
Suitable for multi-level projects: from stores with several hundr products to sites with tens of thousands of items in stock.
Open source code opens up almost unlimit possibilities for customization and development of add-ons. OpenCart is written in PHP and it is possible to make changes to the source code.
Continuous development – updates are releas several times a year, and serious bugs are fix within a few days.
A large community of developers and tech-savvy users , as well as dozens of live forums where you can get any necessary


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Information on working with the CMS.

Security: transaction protection, prevention of hacking, fraud, loss of information data.
Clear admin panel – administration is intuitive, it is easy to find a content manager or train a full-time employee to work with content on the site.
Fast indexing and compliance  daya tarikan pergunungan tinggi yang tidak berkesudahan with basic search engine requirements, which greatly simplifies and somewhat ruces the cost of search engine optimization of an online store on OpenCart.
Over 13,000 free and paid extensions that make website creation as flexible as possible.
The ability to sell physical and  bank email list electronic goods. That is, such an engine is quite suitable for selling e-books, for example.
OpenCart Features
Backup with native tools: save any information by simply selecting an option in the admin panel.
Multilingual: 24 interface languages ​​are available, including English and Russian.
Multicurrency: the ability to select the main currency and add an unlimit number of currencies.
20+ customizable payment and delivery methods. When selecting a delivery option, the corresponding payment methods are display.


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