Useful tips on how to make a quality product card for an

The promotion also nees to be announce correctly. It will not be enough to simply place this message on the main page, you ne to attract maximum attention. Make a time counter, a super price and a quantity of limite goods, add such footnotes for each such product, highlight it in a separate block and.

Literally direct the client’s gaze to this inscription.

For various promotions and discounts, it is very convenient to use blambas now – various icons with information about  the site. Place such symbols on the page, preferably in the form of various pictures and animations to attract attention.
It will be very usefu l amp or fix error on wordpress website  to make a photo lens to enlarge the photo both in a new window and simply in a lightbox. But here too you nee to be careful. Firstly, for a good enlargement you nee high-quality photos, and they are not always like that. Secondly, the angle may be incorrect for enlargement. An alternative option would be to photograph the products yourself.

Due attention should be paid to the buttons “Buy” or “Add to Cart”. The first thing to do is to understand where exactly this or that function should be use.
If your store offers something capacious and expensive, for example, equipment, then one product is often purchase so it is better to use “Buy” here. In case of multiple purchases, it is better to use another option. Also, make the button really catch the eye – highlight the color, shape or maybe even animation of the inscription. The same should be done with the inscription “in stock”. It happens that the client is unsure whether to take this or that product now. But seeing that there is little product left in stock, he will make this decision faster.

Why here? Or how to convince a buyer to buy a product

Developing an online store on Bitrix or another platform is not enough, you nee to help the client want to buy from you. Therefore, it is important to highlight the main characteristics and advantages of the product. For example, there is a group of products with similar characteristics, then there is no nee to make a description for each. We simply focus on the key characteristic and then, when the search engine encounters such a phrase, a list of all the advantages and a description of the product will immeiately follow. In addition, it is worth considering the features of each product that must be include in the description, because they can become a key factor in the purchase.

The next thing that will interest the client is the method of payment and delivery. It will be very convenient to make a separate block with unique selling propositions, where you place all the above points. This is compact for the client, because he will see all the advantages of the service, and it is more convenient for you to answer all the questions aske.

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Every person loves something original, so you nee to be able to successfully personalize the product card. This should be taken into account when developing an online store . For example, you can make different blocks on the how to improve user experience with chatbots  page that will pop up when performing some action (for example, when buying a product or simply because the buyer came here at a certain time). Constantly experimenting, you can attract the attention of many people.

We form products into sets

A very good move would be to sell the product in a set with another product. After all, when you buy a phone, you nee to buy a case, and for clothes you nee care products; so why not offer the client to buy all this together, because it will save him time, and you will increase the average check.

Give the customer a choice: buy one  bfb directory thing at a standard price, or a set of goods at a super price. For someone, the second option will be more attractive, and the buyer, thinking about his own benefit, will be more willing to buy.

So before making the main page, pay due attention to the design of the product card. This will increase the conversion rate of your online store. And do not forget that for greater success you always nee to change something, so do not be afraid to experiment.

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