9 Ways to Track Audience Behavior and Improve Engagement

How do you improve audience engagement with your content? You start by knowing who your audience is and how they’re already finding you. Then, you look for ways they’re searching for your solution and finding someone else. You’ll also want to know 9 Ways to Track Audience when your audiences are bouncing before they can engage. Finally, you use the data you’ve collected to determine what you can change, add, or simply avoid to make your audience’s experience with your content and your website better.
Here are nine ways you can use an enterprise SEO and content marketing platform to get the insights you need to make better decisions and improve audience engagement.

Marketing channel engagement

In our store, you can get good quality and good quality products from us. Our new customers call our customers, our quality is very good and our store is shop well received. provides you updated and valid list for your business promotion Shop Latest provides you all the clean and updated also targeted broadcast list for you You can buy your targeted person or

Where is your traffic originating? Start by getting a comprehensive list of all the channels your audiences are using to find you online. If you notice a sudden uptick in results from a particular channel, you’ll want to take a deeper dive to discover exactly what content is driving the traffic. You can also observe which email sends are driving the most traffic to help determine which subject lines and topics are of the most interest to your audiences.
marketing channel performance exactly which marketing channels are working best for you and what content is working on each marketing channel will help you to decide where to put your efforts in the future. Track traffic, conversions, and revenue from all your channels, including:

Social media
Organic search
Paid search
Comparison shopping engines (for e-commerce)

 Search engine preferences

When we talk about search engines, algorithm changes, and SERP layouts, we often talk about Google. But, Google isn’t the only search engine. No matter your industry, you should at least be watching Yahoo and Bing. Beyond that, some brands need to have insight into international search engines such as Baidu, Sogou, Qihoo 360 (So.com), Daum, Naver, Yandex, and local instances of Google (such as Google.jp).
Knowing where your audiences are searching and which search engines they prefer, gives you insight into how to structure your content to optimize for the requirements of the preferred search engine.

 Device usage

At this point, no one can afford to ignore mobile. As search ratios continue to move toward mobile as the dominate platform, every website should be optimized for mobile – or at least mobile friendly. Beyond that, if your audiences are using mobile to find you and your solutions, you’ll want to start creating the types of content mobile users are seeking.
According to a recent trends study, by 2020 video will account for 75% of mobile traffic. If you don’t know what devices your audiences are using, you could be missing out on opportunities to reach them with the types of content they’re most likely to engage with.

 Competitor analysis and discovery


If you don’t know everyone who is competing with you for a place on the search engine results pages, you can’t do anything to win your audiences back. Besides the competitors you know, be sure you have insight into all the brands, blogs, and publications that are ranking for the keywords you care about.
When it comes to beating the competition, there are a few things you’ll want to know about daily. First, you’ll want to compare your findability to that of your competitors. In other words, when your audience is looking for your solution, who are they most likely to find – you or someone else? You’ll also want to know ranking trends for you and your competitors as you monitor your top gains and losses in rank for content and associated keywords.
Screen Shot Competitor Discovery Findability Score You’ll need insights into competitors and potential competitors at the granular level, including:

Competitor name & URL

Findability score
Search volume
Projected monthly traffic
Average rank
Keywords common to you both
Competing content
Site-level comparisons to your site
Insight #5: Keyword rank and discovery
What keywords are in the top ranking spot this month, this week, today? Knowing what’s trending and what’s taking the top spot today and over time will help you identify potential topics for new content. It’ll also give you some idea about which of your freelancehunt research how much ukrainian older content you’ll want to freshen up by adding updated information and including higher-ranking keywords.
Keyword ranking distribution for marketing dash  addition to the keywords you’re tracking, you’ll want to know what keywords your audiences are using to search for content you don’t currently have. Knowing the most popular keywords in use by your audience with give you topic and message ideas across all your marketing channels and include:

Social media messages

Blog topics
Landing page content
Email subject lines
Video content
Other content based on your audience’s preferences
Insight #6: Content engagement
For content marketers, it often comes down to making decisions at the indiv

The search engine results pages have changed and the new layout has content marketers concerned. Although pages have reduced the number of ads from eleven to seven per page, more ads are showing up at the top of the page along with shopping results, knowledge graphs, videos, and images. In some cases, top ranking organic results are showing up at the bottom of the page or even on page two.
What do content marketers need to do to adjust to the new layout and improve or at least sustain content ranking? The answer is three-fold. First, you need to understand the changes to the SERPs and how the layout is continuing to evolve. Second, you need to know what else is on the page with your content and how that impacts your efforts and third, you need a strategy to respond.

The state of the SERPs

There have been a lot of changes in the look of the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) in the last few months. Most notably, Google has changed it’s advertising layout for desktop devices in several ways:

Removed ads in the right hand column
Reduced number of total ads on the page from 11 to 7
Increased ads on top from 4 to 3
Still includes 3 ads at the bottom
The new changes in the SERP layout for desktop is another indication of Google’s commitment and focus on the mobile market and mirrors the desktop experience for search results to the layout for mobile devices. In addition to the changes in paid advertising layout, Google has continued to work on providing the best user experience possible by including other helpful results at the top of the page.
Other search query results may include:

Knowledge graph

Rich snippets or answer box
Video results
Shopping results
Local pack
The impact that these other types of results have on your brand depends on where your audience is coming from by device and how many of these other types of results are showing up for your targeted keywords and with your organic content.
Just when we were getting used to the new layout, it looks like things may be changing again. Keep your eye out for some changes that seem to be taking usa b2b list advantage of the new room at the right hand side. Because there’s more room, marketers may have an opportunity to further optimize content to include more detailed titles and descriptions.
Some changes that have been noted include:

Length of titles have been lengthened from 50-60 characters to 70-71 characters.
Meta descriptions have increased by 100 characters per line.
A word of caution: don’t start making changes to your SEO just yet, we’ll keep an eye on the changes and let you know when it looks like they’re permanent (or as permanent as anything in the world of search engines can be).

The impact of the new SERP layout on organic content

I’ll start with the not-so-good news. For some pages, the new SERP layout has resulted in organic results only showing up below the fold. In the past, ranking in the top five or six was good enough for most content and resulted in decent click through rates. If your content is on a page with four ads and some other results, you could see a drop in click throughs if your rank is below the top two or three organic results.
On the brighter side, the removal of the ads from the right hand rails means there is less distraction from ads sitting next to organic results. In addition, the extra ad and other content doesn’t show for all queries and, in some cases, organic content is still being delivered on pages free of any other content.
Given the variety of results being delivered for search queries, marketers must know which keywords and which content are still ranking at the top of the page and which are being pushed further down due to other types of results.
In addition, since most brands employ a mix of paid and organic efforts – marketers will want to know if their ad content is working in concert with their content to bring in audiences or if the two are in competition with each other.
To understand your true rank you’ll want to know:

Organic click-throughs by position.

How many ads are on the page ahead of organic content.
What other results are served up ahead of organic content.
Most and least competitive keywords.
How your content ranks among competing content.
Where your top ranking content appears – above the fold, below the fold, or on the second page.
To know your true rank, you’ll either have to perform a search for every keyword you’re tracking, or you’ll need a feature like Universal Search on your marketing and SEO platform. Universal Search features quickly show marketers and SEOs the true rank for content and keywords. Universal Search displays the “other results” as icons to show everything that’s appearing on a search results page besides the organic content. Once you know everything that’s competing with you for a place on the page, you can start making strategic decisions.
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In some cases, you may decide to put more effort into paid placements or you may de

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