Number of senior and middle among freelancers

In 2024, we will see a significant increase in the professional level of freelancers. The share of beginners (Junior) decreased from 35.1% to 24.4% year-on-year. At the same time, the share of professionals (Senior). Increased from 25.9% to 32.1% in 2024.Middle freelancers also showed an increase. From 39% in 2023 to 43.5% in 2024. These changes indicate that freelancers are gaining experience and. Upskilling .Photo: Freelancehunt research. How much Ukrainian freelancers earn, in which fields they work and how the war affected the freelance marketTo get more detailed data, Freelancehunt analyzed the level of qualifications of specialists in different categories. Yes, there is a high proportion of beginners in programming and mobile applications. This may indicate a rapid growth of new development specialists.Among marketers. The largest share of Senior freelancers is 49.4%. Such data indicate that success in marketing. Requires experience and deep knowledge. The presence of a large share of mid-level designers indicates. The active development of this direction.

How many hours a week do Ukrainian freelancers work?

For 15.1% of specialists, freelancing is the main occupation. Judging by the fact that they spend 30-40 hours a week on work. A smaller part (8.8%) works more than 40 hours, which may indicate a high level of involvement or the need to increase income. A very small percentage (9.7%) work intensively – more than 50 hours a week. This may be due to the high demand for their services.Photo: Freelancehunt research: how much.

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Ukrainian freelancers earn, in which fields they work. And how the war affected the freelance market.Most freelancers (47.5%) work up to 20 hours a week. For them, this is an opportunity to get a good part-time job.In general, all categories are dominated by freelancers who work up to 20 hours a week. Promotion specialists have an intensive work schedule — 32.5% work more than 40 hours a week. More than half of freelancers (56.8%) do not consider freelancing as the only source of income, which confirms the thesis that for many it is an additional job. However, a significant percentage of specialists (43.2%) prefer freelancing as the main place of work,” explains Valentyn Zyuzin, head of Freelancehunt.

How the war affected the employment of freelancers

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According to Freelancehunt data for 2024, a significant proportion of freelancers started freelancing during wartime. In particular, 19.1% of respondents noted that they were.Registered on the freelance platform a long time ago. But actively began to work only during the war. This shows that the war was a catalyst for many people who previously did not dare or had the need to work as a freelancer.An even larger share — 35.4% — came to freelance precisely during the war. This shows a significant shift to the freelance model in wartime. When traditional jobs became less available or unstable. People were looking for new ways to earn money and found them in freelancing.Photo: Freelancehunt research: how much Ukrainian freelancers earn, in which fields they work and how the war affected the freelance market45.5% of specialists worked on a freelance basis before the war and continue to work now. This shows the resilience and adaptability of freelancers who were able to keep their jobs even in difficult conditions.In 2023, the situation was somewhat different. The share of those who started freelancing during the war was 40.7%, which is 5.3% more than in 2024. This may indicate that in the early years of the war more people sought new freelance opportunities, and later some of them returned to other forms of employment or remained freelance permanently.

Pets of freelancers

If last year we observed a decrease in the share of specialists who do not have pets, then in 2024 we see the opposite situation.The indicator increased from 26.6% to 36.2%. This indicates changes in the lifestyle, working conditions and priorities of freelancers.Photo: Freelancehunt research. How much Ukrainian freelancers earn, in which fields they work and how the war affected the freelance market.Cats (46.9%) and dogs (28.5%) remain the favorites among freelancers. Some specialists prefer fish, rodents, reptiles and birds.The average salary of Ukrainian freelancers in the most popular categories.
41.2% of freelancers have more than 5 years of experience in their specialization, which indicates the high professionalism of most specialists. 23.1% have 1-3 years of experience, and 14.6% have 3-5 years of experience, which indicates a significant number of mid-level specialists.Thanks to the growth of the competence of freelancers, the quality of the services they provide improves . This increases clients’ trust in specialists and helps. To increase the demand for their services,” adds Oleg Topchyi, founder of Freelancehunt.

The average salary of Ukrainian freelancers in the most popular categories

Among translators and copywriters, the  Industry specific database  largest share of those who earn up to $500 is 64.7%. This is due to the fact that customers delegate some tasks to AI. The frantic demand for the services of these specialists, as it was at the beginning of the war with the adoption of the law on Ukrainianization, has somewhat subsided. Also, this category is quite easy for beginners who come to earn freelancing. Photo: Freelancehunt research: how much Ukrainian freelancers earn, in which fields they work and how the war affected the freelance market46.1% of designers earn more than $500. Those with knowledge in narrow specializations can earn more for their work. For example, developing NFTs or even generating visuals using AI at a professional level.
In the mobile apps and programming category, a higher percentage of freelancers earn more than $1,000. Among marketers, the largest share of those who earn more than $3,000 is 26.3%. And one of the smallest percentages (26.3%) among those who receive up to $500 for their work.

Do freelancers have knowledge in narrow specializations

In 2024, 69% of developers have sad life box knowledge of narrow specializations, which is slightly more than in 2023 (67%). Copywriters and translators see an improvement, as 36.1% of them have narrow knowledge in 2024, compared to 30.7% in 2023. There is also a noticeable increase from 46% in 2023 to 60.3% in 2024 among specialists in the category “Audio and video “.Photo: Freelancehunt research: how much Ukrainian freelancers earn. In which fields they work and how the war affected the. Freelance market .Knowledge in a narrow specialization has an impact on the income of specialists. 73.3% of freelancers with an income of $3000 have such knowledge. The majority of specialists acquired their narrow knowledge even .Before coming to freelance work – this is 65.3%. At the same time, 34.7% developed specialized skills already during freelance work.A significant part of freelancers acquires their skills. Before starting their freelance career. Which emphasizes the importance of previous experience. And training,” summarizes Valentyn Zyuzin.

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