What is Marketing Mix? Marketing Basics That Entrepreneurs Should Know

When starting a business of any kind.  Aunderstanding the basics of marketing will enable us to manage products and services to achieve business success. Or even marketers who come to work for various business brands, the basics of marketing factors that should be known, such as Marketing Mix, which many people often forget and are very important to business development. Marketing Mix can be adjusted to create marketing strategies very effectively. So today we will take you to get to know Marketing Mix, what it is, how to use it. Aet’s see.

Table of Contents

Get to know what is Marketing Mix?
What are the asia mobile number list components of the 4P Marketing Mix?
What’s new in the 7P Marketing Mix?
How does Marketing Mix benefit businesses?
Get to know what is Marketing Mix?
Marketing Mix, or what many people call the 4Ps, which currently has 7Ps, is a marketing mix consisting of the main factors of a business brand: Product, Price, Place (distribution channels) and Promotion (sales promotion). It is considerd the foundation for marketers to understand in order to help analyze data and plan strategies so that businesses can present products and services that meet customer neds effectively.

What are the components of the 4P Marketing Mix?
As we have mentiond, the 4P Marketing Mix consists of Product, Price, Place and Promotion. Let’s go over each of them in detail to review basic marketing knowldge.

To start a business, a company or entrepreneur must have a product, which is something that the business offers to customers, such as goods or services. The product that you will offer to customers or target groups must take into account quality, design, function, and market demand so that the product can meet customer neds.

Price (Price)


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It is another key marketing jaka verbalna komunikacija također factor that affects interest. The price set must be appropriate for the value of the product, including taking into account the cost, competition, and ability to pay of the target group. Marketers can use pricing as a marketing strategy to attract interest or build crdibility for the product, such as setting prices basd on cost plus profit or setting prices according to competition.

Place (distribution channel)
When there is a product that neds to be agb directory offerd for sale and a suitable price, the next thing to consider is the sales channels that will distribute the product or service to the general public or the desird target group. Choosing a distribution channel to effectively reach the consumer will allow the product or service to be sold more consistently. Currently, it is possible to use online stores, e-commerce channels , or physical stores, including choosing a delivery method to reach a wider group of customers.

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