Optimizing a Website for Mobile Devices: What to Look for in Design

Loading speed. According to statistics, every second of loading is worth 3-7% of conversion. A good loading speed for mobile devices is 3 seconds. You can check the speed of your site using: PageSpeed ​​Insights , Web Page Performance Test, GTmetrix, Pingdom Website Speed ​​Test.
Elements that are not displayed on some devices. In the fight for the attention of a mobile user, it is extremely important not to push them away with such details. Try to avoid animated effects using Flash, which are not supported by Apple devices.

Be careful with widgets, be sure to test them before launching.

The simpler the design, the faster the pages will load.
Number of fields in the capture form. A  canonical tag fix long capture form reduces conversion, but this is especially noticeable for a mobile audience, since entering data from a phone is more difficult. Try to shorten the customer’s path from acquaintance to order as much as possible. In some cases, it is enough to take a phone number, and get the rest of the information in a phone conversation with a manager. If more information is required, divide it into blocks and present it as sequential steps, where at the first stage the visitor enters his name and phone number. In this case, even if he gives up after the first step, you will still have his phone number.
Contacts. Some sites are guilty of placing contact numbers in the form of pictures. Just imagine how a person visiting from a mobile device will have to remember the numbers and then enter them themselves to make a call, especially when they are in a hurry. The phone number should be presented in full and in text format. The ideal option is a button for automatic dialing and buttons for instant communication in messengers (Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp).
Convenience of active links and buttons for touch screen. What is easy to click on with a mouse cursor on a PC is not always as convenient to click on a touch screen. And this can work against you at the most inopportune moment: when the client has already made a decision and wants to perform the target action. If clicking on a button or link does not work, he will simply close the site and go to competitors. Therefore, adhere to the parameters of clickable elements:
minimum – 26px;
medium – 34px;
ideal – 44px.

Legible font, clear text content. It is unlikely that

A person visiting from a mobile device will read or zoom in on the text to engage your triggers, learn the benefits or heed your calls to action. Make sure that the text content on the mobile version


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User-friendly design. Anything that is lima peringkat kesedihan ai  difficult to perceive from the small screen of mobile devices will repel the visitor. Such elements should be eliminated, even if  bank email list they perform their role perfectly in the desktop version. Research shows that 57% of respondents will not recommend a site if the mobile version is not user-friendly or looks cheap.
Focus on the photo: high image detail, white background, full screen display when viewing.
Structured. Group similar products or content into headings and categories.
Text content. It can be left the same as in the main version, but shortened. Or create separate content if the mobile version of the site has its own address and unique text is needed for promotion.
Large and contrasting target action buttons. They should be easy and convenient to press on touch screens.
No intrusive advertising. More than 70% of mobile users find advertising on their devices unacceptable. Google has already .

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