How to increase website traffic

Website traffic is the number of unique users who visit the website in a limit period. High traffic on the Internet, like a good flow of customers in a store, ensures a stable influx of profit. Of course, this is only true if visitors are interest in the product and what brought them to the store or site matches their initial expectations.

Online traffic, as well as attracting customers offline

Should be handl by google analytics 4 + gtm set up  marketing specialists. But for some reason, in our country the opinion is still alive that everything on the Internet is free, including promotion and advertising. It’s a pity, but this is not true.

How to attract traffic? From what sources? Why attracting traffic is serious work that requires skills and cannot be free or “cheap”. We have prepar an article from which you will learn the answers to these questions and more.

One of the most popular questions: How to attract maximum traffic with minimal investment? And you will also find the answer to it in this article.

Commercial Websites: How to Attract Traffic?

Websites with zero traffic that no one visits are useless ballast that businesses ne to get rid of urgently in 2024. Gone are the days when a website was only ne for a beautiful link on a business card and in brochures. Modern online representations of companies can and should be full-flg channels for attracting customers. Otherwise, there is no point in investing in them.
An important point in attracting traffic is that visitors to a commercial site must be target, i.e. potentially interest in the offer publish on the pages. The fact that people will come and immiately leave will only make the site worse, and there is no point in non-target traffic. After all, you ne sales, not impressive numbers on the visitor counter.

To attract target traffic to the websites of Business Site clients, we use the following approaches:

Search engine promotion;
Remarketing and retargeting;

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Social networks and YouTube;
Professional networks and industry platforms, forums, mia.
Website traffic directly  kao rezultat toga, uvijek je imao veliki affects sales and business profits!
Every second, more than 700 new commercial websites appear in the world, and this figure is growing every year. However, only about half of them last longer than a year, and only about 15% get their share of traffic and are able to generate sales.
how to promote a site How to increase site traffic

Today, there are more websites than people who have access to the Internet. Those who have never encounter websites before and ba leads   do not know what online sales through a website are, may think that the mere presence of a website will bring in customers and sales will start. But this is a misconception. As if the Internet community was impatiently waiting, constantly asking the question: “When will this wonderful new website finally appear?” In fact, remember how you search for something on the Internet


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