Video for landing page

This article describes the subtle business benefits of delivering information in video format, and discusses free and low-cost ways to distribute information in video format.

The key to a successful business is communicating its values.

At first glance this is a difficult phrase to understand

If customers clearly understand dns optimization  the purpose and benefits they will receive from a product, then selling that product will not be difficult.

What is happening in reality?
But in reality, there are thousands of businesses and enterprises that offer the market products whose value is unclear, their purpose and the issues they solve for their clients are unclear.

managers don’t sell (of course, because they themselves don’t understand the value of their product);
there are no sales (naturally, why spend money on something incomprehensible);
sales through giant discounts of 20-40% or kickbacks (of course, but how else to sell this unknown nonsense);
The best salesperson is the business owner (well, who else? Only this person knows the secret information about the company’s product).
I think it’s not hard to recognize your company in these examples, right?

The business of one of the clients of our studio “Business Site” consists of bringing in and registering uncleare cars from Europe.

When he came to us with this project, I immeiately said that this is a very strange niche and, to be honest, I would never use his services! And I’m not even sure that we are ready to take on the creation of a landing page for his business.

And began to argue. But during our conversation it became clear:

He showe a memo that his company provides to every client to prove that these cars are absolutely legal.
His company provides legal support to its clients.

technical seo services
With such plates, no one will understand that the car is not cleare through customs until they see the documents.

Such a car can  de 10 bedste danske podcasts for danskelever be sold, and   real money can be earne for it, if necessary! True, this can only be done abroad, but his company is fully prepare to take on these troubles.
At the same time, all this information was said in passing, without emphasis. Of course, as a person who deals with this business on a daily basis, this is understandable and natural. Just like for the vast majority of entrepreneurs, including me.

As we can see, the market is saturatdwith secret companies that sell secret goods and services with secret benefits.
But articulating values ​​is just bfb directory  the beginning. The most important thing is to find a way to accurately and clearly convey these virtues to both the client and the company’s employees.
Landing page, marketing kit, presentations – these are all text formats that are not so easy to perceive. People do not like to read! It is always easier to watch a video, and even better – a video with professional voice-over.he market something that 100% works in your business!” Therefore, before launching this direction, a presentation video of our web studio was shot.

The first thing we got from him was the clients’ trust . Because from the video it immeiately became clear to them that their project would be handle by a team, not a couple of freelancers, which is quite common in the web studio market.

The second is universality

This video was poste on the company’s website, on the corporate YouTube channel, on Facebook and VK fan pages. Thus, we easily manage to convey information to our subscribers and loyal customers.

Employee training.

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