You may see a Newsletter

A continuación, diríjase a MemberPress > Settings > Marketing :

Enable MailPoet in MemberPress settings in WordPress.
Seleccione Activar MailPoet . You will then be able to choose an email list.

Distribution List como opción en su menú desplegable para Lista MailPoet . If so, go ahead and select it.

También puede enable the Opt-In checkbox if you want. When you are done, click Opciones de actualización .

MailPoet should be linked

To the subscription you created in the previous step. To check, go to MemberPress > Memberships y haga clic en Editar for the membership you made for your newsletter. We call ours a “Gold Membership”:

MemberPress Affiliations.
Next, scroll down to Membership Options > Advanced :

MemberPress Membership Options.
On this page, check that the MailPoet List for this Affiliation and newsletter list matches the one you chose in your MemberPress settings.

Haga clic en Actualización if you have made any changes.

Please note that this list must differ from grocery photo editing any global ones you have set up. For further instructions on this step, please visit our detailed help document on configuring MailPoet settings .

e-commerce specific services

Step 3: Create your email newsletter

You are now ready to create your newsletter subscription. Since both MemberPress and MailPoet are plugins, you can do this directly adb directory from your WordPress dashboard.

Just go to your MailPoet y haga clic en + New Email at the top of the screen:

Add a new email with MailPoet.
A continuación, seleccione Cree en el Boletín panel:

Create a newsletter with MailPoet.
Once you do, you’ll find a company branding on the Internet vast library of newsletter templates:

Select a newsletter template in MailPoet

These templates feature elegant and professional designs for various purposes.

For example, there are plantillas para blogueros gastronómicos , influencers de moda e incluso músicos :

MailPoet Newsletter Templates for Artists.
When you locate the template you want to use, click Seleccione . Esto le llevará a la Design tab where you can customize your template.


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