Protect Content on WordPress

Por ejemplo, puede proteger todos los cursos o un solo curso. También puede seleccionar cursos con una categoría o etiqueta específica.

A continuación, vaya a Condiciones de acceso y haga clic en el menú desplegable para seleccionar su afiliación. Por ejemplo, los usuarios que hayan adquirido el curso Ballet para principiantes sólo tendrán acceso a los contenidos con la etiqueta principiantescurso.

Cuando esté listo, pulse Salvar la regla

Vea el vídeo tutorial a continuación para conocer en profundidad el uso de Normas MemberPress:

How to  w/ MemberPress (Rules Tutorial)
ver >> cómo proteger el contenido de su sitio con las reglas de memberpress
Paso 5: Configurar las páginas de inicio de sesión y registro
Finally, you’ll need to create login and registration pages. These will allow your new dance students to log in to your site and access your content.

Highlighting the MemberPress Login Page field in the Pages tab.
This video explains how to customize the login page:

How to Customize the MemberPress Login Page

Next, you’ll need to customize your registration page. Go to MemberPress > Settings > Fields en tu salpicadero:

The WordPress Fields tab.
Here you can customize the fields of your registration form. Our video will tell you more about how to do this:

Customize Your Registration Pages ad campaign images editing with Custom Fields in MemberPress
see >> how to customize your registration pages with custom fields
And that’s it! Congratulations – you’ve just created an online dance school where you can teach and tutor students from all over the world .

e-commerce specific services

Take your online dance school to the next level with CoachKit

Con el MemberPress CoachKit™ plugin, you can take your dance school to the next level with the following features:

Create programs with courses, downloads, videos, and virtually any other online resource you can think of.

Divide students into cohorts and adb directory assign them a tutor to guide them through the program.

Set milestones and habits for goal-oriented learning and consistent engagement.

Enable tutor-student messagingand mitos the noble savage automated emails to keep students on track.
Create more opportunities for interaction and engagement with CoachKit™. It’s like taking your students by the hand and leading them to success.


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