Which is designed to pick up and

Mallah emphasizes that candidates shouldn’t fill their resumes. With buzzwords from the ‘responsibilities’ section of a job posting, but should focus on reflecting the ‘requirements’.

“Companies are looking for candidates with essential skills and qualifications first and foremost. Therefore, this strategy greatly increases the chances of making it through the ATS scan.”

 Structure your document for quick parsing.

Preparing your resume format is a surprisingly overlooked strategy. Liza Griffen, director of recruiting agency Tyler Griffen, agrees.

“Most recruiters know to add keywords, but not everyone considers how the ATS reads the format of the document. One simple, yet innovative way to do this is to include a ‘core competencies’ section after the introductory blurb on your resume,” Griffin says.

She recommends using a Armenia Whatsapp Phone Number List concise bulleted list, with each bullet point mentioning a common industry term.

“Not only does this approach immediately highlight your expertise, making it impossible for the ATS to ignore it. It also caters to the. ATS system’s scanning algorithm,  categorize information presented in a simple, easy-to-understand format,” Griffin says.

Griffin tells me that if you put this section at the front of your resume, it can significantly increase your visibility in candidate searches.

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Use graphic elements sparingly

Now that I’ve mentioned formatting text, I have to mention the rest of your resume—the stuff that can’t be parsed as plain text.

Before submitting your resume, search for elements that would be lost if you removed all icons or images.

For an example, take a look at Outlet UGG the image below. This is a popular style choice for showcasing skills.

If your document is subject to ATS review, be careful when submitting it to the company because you can’t be sure the system will know how to “read” this section.

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