To learn why and how to optimize your title tags

Impact of Titlegate on natural positioning. 8 tips to avoid rewriting your title tags. Just keep reading! Titlegate: 61% of title tags are. Rewritten by google To learn why  what is Titlegate. Title rewriting by google. The study conducted in 2022 by zippy[1] (updated June 2023) showed. That 61% of the titles displayed in the serp are rewritten by google.

To ensure a consistent result, they analyzed no less than 80,959 title

tags across 2,370 websites around the world. To conduct this research, Zyppy built on a previous study conducted by Dr. Pete J. Meyers[2] (Marketing B2B Lead Generation Telemarketing Researcher at Moz) and research conducted by To learn why  Alexis Rylko[3] (SEO Technical Director at iProspect ). The former found a reformulation rate of 83%, while the latter, based solely on major reformulations, found a result of 40%. Furthermore.

these researchers seem to agree on one point: the titles displayed in


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the SERP may vary depending on the query and the device used. Other factors, such as search history or location, could also influence the title chosen by Google. However, in the study carried out by Zyppy, 3 main factors of rewriting of title tags were identified: the length of the titles, the use of square brackets instead of parentheses, the influence of the Outlet UGG choice of separators Other elements also seem motivate Google to change the SEO titles displayed in the SERP. But before presenting all these factors to you, I propose to understand how Google proceeds to choose the titles proposed on the search engine results pages.

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