
Video for landing page

This article describes the subtle business benefits of delivering information in video format, and discusses free and low-cost ways to distribute information in video format. The key to a successful business is communicating its values. At first glance this is a difficult phrase to understand If customers clearly understand dns optimization  the purpose and benefits…

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The Underwater Part of the Iceberg Called “Internet Marketing” for Landing Pages

Promoting products and services using landing pages is not only SEO optimization of the site and setting up contextual advertising . To attract customers and increase sales, an experienc Internet marketer uses many effective techniques. Let’s take a closer look at some of them. Reviews are the “engine of trade” What landing without reviews, you…

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Polygonal style in web design

The origins of the polygonal style of web design should be sought in cubism. For cubism in painting, the characteristic elements were geometric shapes and simple stereometric textures, echoes of which can be recognize in the polygons and broken lines of polygonal graphics. polygon graphics Polygon style in web design In the 80s and 90s,…

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