Deeper Marketing and SEO Insights For GinzaMetrics Users in 2015

2015 was a busy year for and we’re sure it was for you as well. We spent a lot of time listening to our customers, watching trends in SEO and content marketing, and ensuring our platform continues to include the latest search engine algorithm changes. As the needs of marketers and SEOs evolve,  is focused on providing you with deeper insights and greater flexibility to get the data you need, the way you need it.
Over the last 12 months, we’ve released several new features and offered some unique ways for users to get the insights they need to improve brand findability and match their efforts to overall corporate goals. To wrap up the year, we wanted to recap some of our new features and how they are changing the way brands are found.

Competitor Discovery Feature

You can’t stay ahead of competitors that you don’t know exist, or create content to attract an audience you don’t know you’re losing. Staying ahead buy telemarketing data of the competition is difficult for most brands as new competitors pop up, existing competitors adjust their content to steal audience attention and revenue, and industries shift to include new markets.
In response to the need for more competitor intelligence to ensure strategic marketing success,  released Competitor Discovery,” part of the Competitor Intelligence Suite, which includes features aimed at discovering, monitoring, analyzing, and reporting on your industry and its players.
competitor marketing vital statistics
The first feature of its kind, Competitor Discovery uses a proprietary algorithm that identifies new competitors based on a brand’s own content, targeted keywords, and identified competitors. Using our competitor discovery feature, brands get competitive intelligence and know who the newest players are in their space without manually adding them or searching for new content or sites online. Users then get valuable insights into the content, keywords, and topics that could be driving traffic from their site. The feature also provides predictive analytics in the form of  proprietary Findability Score and Projected Traffic measurement tools.

Competitor Discovery

also plays a hand in helping discover new content ideas as well. Clicking into a competitor you can see what type of content they’re creating and what keywords they’re ranking for – giving you additional insight into what content might resonate well with your audience for specific topics of interest.

Social Intelligence Tools
Marketers, regardless of department, need to understand the impact their efforts have on revenue and conversion. Historically, social media has been one of the most difficult to quantify across the funnel. Moving beyond likes and shares, marketers have to create strategies based on results at the exact channel, content, keyword, and campaign level as compared to other marketing efforts and those of their competitors.
To help marketing and SEO departments determine the overall impact of social media, the success of individual social channels, and to track conversions from social media, launched Social Intelligence Suite. The suite of tools gives marketers at brands and agencies insight into how social channels are contributing to corporate goals and revenue, and providing data to create better content and campaigns for their target audiences.
The Social Intelligence Suite includes:

Marketing Channel Performance

Competitor Social Landscape
Content Insights
Using these tools, marketers can track conversions and contributions to revenue from social media by channel and at the campaign, content, and keyword level.
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Keep an eye on our social features in 2016, as additional features and updates are planned!

New Custom Reporting Options
In 2015 only 21% of B2B marketers felt they were successful at tracking ROI for their efforts, according to CMI. One reason for this disconnect might be that getting deep insights into digital marketing efforts has been reserved for brands with deep pockets.
We recognized that some organizations don’t have the personnel, budget, or bandwidth to sign up for a full marketing platform, but that they still need deeper data to improve their findability. In response to frequent requests for insights at the keyword, competitor, social, and content levels, we began offering one-time and custom data reports for marketing and SEO departments beginning at just $200. We now provide agencies and in-house teams the deep data they need to make strategic decisions and successfully show ROI.

Compared to similar offerings

by competitors, which begin in the thousands of dollars for insights, these reports provide custom data to users at low one-time costs. For added functionality, all data reports can be formatted by the customer to fit their individual needs using ’ customizable marketing intelligence dashboard and.

When our customers and potential new users first start their search for the right SEO and marketing intelligence tool, many of them find themselves lost in the weeds of multiple solutions and vendors. The process can be time consuming and a little daunting. To help shorten the journey and make it more efficient, I thought it would be helpful to provide a short guide to answer some of the common questions that arise. I also thought it would be helpful to list some questions to ask SEO platform companies and some things to consider as you choose the best SEO and marketing tool for your brand.

How Long Should The Search For An SEO Tool Take

While there’s no perfect amount of time to spend looking for and choosing your SEO and marketing intelligence tool, there are some things to keep in mind to make sure the process moves at a reasonable pace.
First, keep in mind that if you need an SEO and marketing intelligence tool, every day you spend looking for one is another day you’re not improving your efforts or solving the problems that set you on the journey to buy a tool in the first place. If you have an incumbent tool and you’re looking to switch, shorten the process by making a list of the things that aren’t working as well as you would like. Include your basic needs and must haves for the. New tool including the problems you have working with the organization. And the features of the tool that don’t fit your needs.
The time it takes to choose a tool may depend on whether or not you’re given a trial period or a sandbox account to try out the tool. As with any jawapan kepada laman web berisiko large platform, there’s going to be a lot of stuff to learn and things to figure out. This process can get pretty. Complicated if you’re trying to test out more than one or two platforms at a time.

During a platform trial,

use your time efficiently and be. Prepared to make a decision at the end of a trial. A lot of times the trial account you’re using can be. Converted into the account you’ll use and you’ll already have had time for the data to populate. Letting the trial period expire without making a decision may mean that you lose the ground you already. Gained setting up the account, creating your custom dashboards, and getting data.
During a trial, use the first week or two to make sure. Everything is set up and start to learn the tool. Use the next week or two to really start to problem solve and. Create a workflow that works for you and your team. It takes at least one month of a trial to get a good feel for a tool. That period of time should be enough time for you and your team to make a. Decision and get started with a tool that fits your needs.

Sandbox or Trial Account – Asking the Right Questions

Before making the final decision, most people try out a. Couple of different platforms either with a trial account, or a sandbox account. Before kcrj embarking on either, make a list of . Must-haves and focus on addressing your current pain points or greatest. Challenges. talk to prospective vendors about current features as well as things on their product roadmap that address your needs.
Once you start using the tool, your. Data may not look exactly the same as the data in the sandbox account. Some questions you may want to ask if you’re using a sandbox environment:

How long has the account been running?
What does the daily maintenance of this tool look like?
In general, make sure you’re comparing. Apples to apples. While it’s great to test drive a perfect version of a platform that someone else has set up, when you. Have to set up the platform yourself and use your own analytics, you may end up with something. That looks a little different and you may be. Disappointed at the results.
Own data, give the platform you’re testing some time for data to populate. While you may get a lot of experience out of a sandbox account in two. Weeks, you’ll need 30 days or more to set-up and use a trial version. But in the end, you’ll have experience with the platform and your data connected to your analytics.

I really like to caution against

running multiple trials at once. It’s confusing enough to learn and implement one or two platforms, but once you’re looking at. Data from multiple platforms, features and data start to blur together and the process becomes overwhelming.

Due Diligence – Investigating Tools Up Front
Before starting a trial or sandbox account to. Choose a tool for your brand, do your due diligence and ask the right questions to narrow your search.
Besides making sure the core features work and fit your needs, there are some intangibles to consider. Here are some questions to ask:

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