published on its blog crucial information about the

How does Google generate the titles displayed in the SERP? Illustrative image: Google results On September 17, 2021, Google displayed in the results[4]. Surprisingly, the Mountain View Giant announces figures very different from published on its blog  those announced in the investigations. In fact, according to them, 87% of the titles displayed correspond to an HTML tag (title, H1 or H2). However, Google conveys in

its article important information that allows us to better understand

the reasons for this reformulation of the title tag: half-empty titles: to complement the title, Google examines the information in the B2B Telemarketing Lead Generation content of the page; published on its blog  outdated titles: Google automatically changes the title when the year displayed in it does not match the main title of the page (H1); imprecise titles:

when the title does not exactly reflect the content of the page

B2B Telemarketing Lead Generation

it is rephrased; Recurring titles: If several of your pages have the same title tag, then Google will want to add information to clarify the topic being addressed. Google then offers tips to website owners to improve their page titles. In addition to insisting on the quality of the HTML tag and the control of the rewriting factors mentioned above, At Squantum, our Outlet UGG goal has always been to help SEO writers and consultants be as efficient as possible in writing their content. Our teams have worked tirelessly this summer to bring you a new version of the Content Brief section, allowing you to go even further in your content writing. You will find how to generate content through AI, share the optimization tool with your editors in 1 click, generate new questions for your content (and their answers!) and

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