Write More Compelling Emails With Organic Search Data

Email marketing is still one of the largest distribution and engagement channels for content marketing efforts with more than half of marketers sharing Write More Compelling content through email newsletters, according to CMI. Like all of content marketing, the challenges of successful email marketing campaigns center on getting audience attention in a busy and crowded space.

Improved Open Rates and Click Rates

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Email campaigns, no matter how well planned, won’t be successful if the intended audiences never read your content. Getting audiences to engage in email marketing messages means that we must overcome the first barrier to engagement, opening the email. Once we’ve cleared that first hurdle, our next challenge is to provide compelling content within the email to encourage continued participation and click throughs to other content or forms.
Successful email campaigns have two things in common, they have compelling subject lines and they are written to address the needs of the audience. To stay relevant and improve your email open rates and click rates, create subject lines and email content based on the words and phrases your audiences are already using when they search for answers to their questions and challenges online.
Here are five ways you can improve your email campaigns by using search data to write subject lines and emails that compel your audiences to open and click.

 Subject lines that compel audiences to open emails

Subject lines are the key to improving open rates. If you’re like me, you’re constantly looking for the magical formula that will help create the perfect subject line every time. While there is no magic wand, there are resources at our fingertips that can help us to capture the attention of our target audiences through email.
If you’re looking for fresh ground to plant your email seeds, try using a keyword discovery tool to find the keywords your audience already associates with your brand and industry. Knowing the topics your audience is searching for, but that you haven’t capitalized on yet, will give you a way to freshen up your email subject lines and attrScreen Shot 2016-06-29 at 2.55.12 PMact audience members who haven’t opened your emails yet or don’t open them regularly.
Of course, once someone has opened an email, you want to follow-up with the content you promised and provide interesting and helpful information. Using keyword discovery, you’ll not only have a new list of ideas for email subject lines, you’ll also have a list of topics for blog posts, videos, eBooks, or whatever medium you’re using to effectively engage your audiences.

 Engage audiences with topics they’re already

If you have topics that drive visitors to your website and create conversions, capitalize on the keywords associated with those searches and use them in your subject lines and in the body of your email copy. Using keyword ranking data, you can identify which of your keywords appear in the top spot. Set your timeline filter at the monthly view to see what’s been popular for the last 30 days.
Keyword ranking distribution for marketing dashboard
Once you’ve identified your top performing keywords, use what’s already working for you to engage your email audiences. You can use keyword tracking to further qualify your best keywords for subject lines and email copy by looking at the content audiences are engaging with once they find you through search.
Determine which of your highest-ranking keywords to use in subject lines and email copy by comparing:

Corresponding content to keyword or key phrase

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How many visits a specific keyword generated.
Number of conversions for that keyword on your site.
#3 Use content insights to create interest
What blog posts or pages on your website are getting the most views? Use your content insights to capture the topics your audiences are already engaging with and use the associated keywords for email subject lines. If audiences are reading content on your website, chances are they’ll open emails that address those same topics.
social engagement data for marketersYour email subject lines can capitalize on topics that are most popular right now by using your social engagement data. When you know what content is being shared on your social channels, you can find the keywords and topics that audiences are interested in today. Use your social engagement data to track what content is being shared and what questions are being asked and answered on your social channels and by your most popular content. Then, use the questions and comments being used by your audiences to craft subject lines that mirror the language they’re using now. Keep your emails up to date and addressing current trends by using your social engagement data to inform email campaign messages.
Knowing which blog posts and landing pages are most popular among your social audiences will also help you to decide what links to include in your emails

Do the plethora of analytics and content marketing tools make it easier or harder for marketers to prove ROI on their efforts? According to the latest data facebook: the Original “social network and survey results, the majority of marketers are still struggling to show bottom line results for content marketing initiatives and many are struggling to show results that convince executives to approve budgets for new initiatives. At this point, the problem isn’t so much the lack of available data as it is the ability of marketers to consistently get actionable and shareable information out of all the data that’s available.

The problem with too much data

Too many marketers are tasked with diving into lots of large platforms to cobble together charts and graphs and piece together data points to prepare reports that may or may not truly inform their future strategic decisions. The entire process is time consuming and leaves us scrambling at the end of every month or quarter, taking away time we could be using to actually implement the strategic plans we’ve already developed.
Instead of viewing reports as a necessary evil to appease the executive suite, marketers can begin to see reporting as a way to get the insights they need quickly and easily to inform their day-to-day and long-term decisions. Access to automated reporting takes the scramble out of the end of the month, allowing marketers to easily share necessary data while spending their time on the important work of executing marketing initiatives.
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Notifications for site and competitor changes

Most marketers don’t have time to take a deep dive into their site and content data on a daily basis, even if their analytics and marketing intelligence tools provide daily crawl data. Instead of taking the time to check in constantly, marketers can be alerted to. Changes in keyword and content rank and competitor rank by setting up notification reports.
Notification reports can be created to alert you to the changes you care about, including:

Large changes in rank for keywords and content.
Changes to competitor content rankings.
Newly discovered competitors and keywords.
The key to creating effective content that engages. Audiences lies in answering audience questions using the language they’re using in search. While you can’t change direction in new content creation on a daily basis, there are many ways you can use. Keyword and content ranking data to improve ranking and engage your audiences.
Daily keyword and content ranking notification allow you to:

Include top ranking keywords and content in social media posts.

Use top ranking keywords as email subject lines and headers.
Increase engagement with paid efforts using top performing keywords.
Add updated keywords to content and landing pages.
Pair landing pages and content with links to increase content.
Plan new content in different formats based on popular topics.
Slide deck
Blog post
To get the most targeted, actionable data, Erin Robbins, President Ginza Metrics, suggests setting up keyword and content groups. “Getting keyword activity segmented by groups allows you to get notifications for marketing initiatives without. Having usa b2b list to take the time to sift through full site information. Keywords can belong to more than one group and. Segmenting by keyword groups for you and your competitors will give you the. Granular information you need.” she advises.
Keyword groups can reflect:


Messaging strategies
Audience personas
Anything you find important
Whether you’re setting up automatic. Notifications for all top keyword. Activity or around specific items such as search engine, device type, conversion type, or keyword group; getting. Notifications sent directly to your email account will make responding toChanges. And staying ahead of the competition a lot easier and faster.
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Performance digests for key stakeholders

Instead of logging in daily to compile. Recent data and get a sense of audience engagement and traffic, marketers can use automated reporti. ng features to. Create snapshots, called performance digests, of the most critical data you want to see everyday. Performance digests are a good way to give your team, clients, contractors, and executive team timely information. Relevant to their individual functions while getting timely insights you can use to make real-time decisions.
Performance digests make it possible to. Send key metrics and analytics data to outside vendors or internal team members automatically to their email inboxes. Now, everyone can get the data they need to inform and improve their daily efforts without. The burden of constantly compiling and delivering reports.
“Using our customizable reporting dashboards, performance reports can be completely tailored to the needs of each stakeholder or team member. While some members may want daily digests, others may prefer to get data updates only weekl

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